There are immense benefits to learning cursive handwriting.

Yes, it is still relevant for reasons well beyond a good signature.

How we can help?

As a pioneer in education, Gayle L. Moyers dedicated her 55 year career to developing effective learning strategies. She recognized early on the importance of the auditory system, using music to empower learners and yes, cursive handwriting.

Parents and professionals are looking for solutions and shortcuts to better learning. Technology has bridged the gap in many ways, but it can never replace the development of rhythm and timing, spatial orientation, fluency and the hundreds of benefits of learning cursive handwriting.

In fact, she was so confident in the need to learn cursive she developed her own unique program and implemented Moyers Learning Systems Handwriting every chance she could.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • &#128073 Writing takes a very long time.
  • &#128073Struggle with retention and memory.
  • &#128073Processing speed is delayed.
  • &#128073Can’t read documents written in cursive.
  • &#128073Handwriting is illegible.
  • &#128073Spelling is bad to mediocre at best.
  • &#128073Difficulty recognizing their own space.
  • &#128073Mathematics skills lack basic foundational skills.
  • &#128073Rhythm, timing and fluency are missing.

If you answered yes to any of these, then it’s likely you spent many hours and lots of $$ unsuccessfully trying to solve these problems.

We are experienced educators and we are committed to helping you make the difference.

After working as a reading specialist and an educational therapist for 55 years, Gayle L. Moyers had seen it all. She saw the development of handwriting instruction and the demise of cursive teaching. She heard the common complaints.

  • I need a proven system to teach my child cursive.

  • I want to learn from an expert in the field

  • There are so many books and it just seems to difficult.

  • The really good handwriting programs require a specialist

  • There aren’t any easy to follow, step by step programs.

Thankfully, you’ve found your way here and we can help!


We’re on a mission to help 10,000 students learn cursive handwriting Gayle Moyers’ Way.

Info graphic

Warm Up Exercises—-Gross Motor

Music to support rhythm and timing

Development of Spatial Orientation/Awareness

Larger Print

Intentional Language

Move to Paper

Development of Fine Motor

Repeatable – Measureable

If you’re looking to develop lasting learning skills


The Moyers Way

A key ingredient in the Moyers Handwriting System is intentional language. Communication is a vital skill necessary in the modern world. We provide specific language for the learner to emulate. It is the talking through of a process that builds underlying skills that last a lifetime.





Practitioners Trained